Pick-up lines that won't work

Desperate as you may be to get laid or just to flirt, never ever try these pick up lines. I can guarantee you that it won't work 99% of the time.

1. Could you spare me a buck? My mom told me to call her when I fell in love.

2. I am not too good at algebra, but doesn't U+I=69?

3. Are you a parking ticket because you have FINE written all over you.

4. How do you like your eggs: poached, scrambled or FERTILIZED?

5. Hey baby drop that zero and get with a hero. In other words, you better come with me.

6. I am new in town, could I have directions to your house.

7. "Hey, if I kiss you, will I get slapped?"

8. If you were a pill I'd overdose.

9. If looks could kill you would be a weapon of mass destruction.

10. You smell lets go take a shower.

11. Girl, you better have a license, cuz you are driving me crazy!

12. Do you have any raisins? No? How about a date?

13. If you were a president, you'd be Babe-raham Lincoln.

14. "Can I have your autograph?" [Why?] "Well you are Miss India aren't you?"

15. Don't try to run away.. i'm on the track team.

If you like getting slapped or getting kicked in the family jewels you can go ahead and try these pick up lines just for heck of it.


  1. Lol...I'd slap any guy any day if they use one of those to me haha...

  2. A hard kick in the family jewel is unbelievably painful. You can try that too.

  3. A friend tried this one once, and he said it had worked!

    Guy: Is your dad a terrorist?
    Girl: No! Why?
    Guy: Cos' baby, you ARE the bomb!

    Maybe pickup lines only work if you're cute enuff for the ladies! :P

  4. how about this one:

    "Falling for you would be a very short trip"

  5. have you ever tried 'do you wanna dance' to a girl at a dance floor, and she goes 'i'm dancing'...a big bummer..lol

  6. They sure wouldn't work but I definitely won't get mad if I get lines like these. How could anyone? I would laugh my ass off..


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